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The stock reports group provides both summary and detailed information typically required to manage stock particulars and facilitate better inventory control.

For example print the Stock History Report, this report details stock movement over time. Select Reports, Stock, History.

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You must first select appropriate filters as per this example. The following report is then displayed.

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Detail Steps

The following Stock reports are provided;

Name: Stock List

Purpose: This report shows Stock detail by Batch Serial Numbers, Expiry Dates, grouped by Location and Bin.

Filters: All locations or just a single location can be selected for review. Other filters include Flags, Item Number as partial search and Bin.

Uses: To obtain a detailed stock list by location with Batch/Serial/Lot number and Flag details. This report is primarily used to show stock available in a particular location/bin and to assist with stock transfers. It can also be used as a workflow tool to list stock by flag, identifying items that may require actions to be undertaken or initiated.

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Using PDF Reader reports can be MARKED UP using highlighting tools available within the Adobe Acrobat product or have electronic sticky notes attached. The final report can be either saved or DIRECTLY emailed from the ICXE.

Name: Valuation

Purpose: This report shows Stock Cost Details by Batch Serial Numbers grouped by Item then Location and Bin.

Filters: All locations or just a single location can be selected for review. Other filters include Item Number as partial search and Bin.

Uses: To obtain a warehouse valuation by location and by item. This report can be used when valuing stock for End-Of-Financial year accounting processes.


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It is recommended that before producing reports a Normal or Maintenance REPLICATION be undertaken to ensure inventory data is up-to-date with your accounting system.

Name: Stock History

Purpose: This report shows every stock movement action for each item over time and is a critical report for tracing stock origins and identifying stock handling history.

Filters: All locations or just a single location can be selected for review. Other filters include Item Number as partial search and activity date ranges.

Uses: To identify the handling of a particular stock batch or serial number from receiving to despatch. This report is primarily used to show stock level changes by item, location, bin. It can also be used as a workflow tool to track stock movement delays between locations or as an audit trail to review stock quantity adjustments and changes made to batch serial numbers, or expiry dates.


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Name: Stock Count

Purpose: This report shows each stock batch quantity and serialised items by location and bin. It has a first and second count space provided for manual auditing.

Filters: All locations or just a single location can be selected for review. Group and filter by Bin and optionally mask the actual quantities to force recounts.

Other filters include Item Number as partial search and sorting of stock by ascending or descending Alphabetical order.

Uses: To provide a count sheet and reconcile actual stock quantity with current ICXE quantities. This report is primarily used to facilitate stock takes. Stock Adjustments can be grouped and sorted using the same fields as the Count report reducing data entry error.

Example: This example shows a count sheet for item 120 only.

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Name: Stock Turn

Purpose: This report provides an estimate of how long (in days) it will take your inventory on hand to completely sell through given current selling rate.

Filters: All locations or just a single location can be selected for review. Other filters include Item Number as partial search and activity date range required monthly.

Uses: This report can be used to manage purchasing and avoid potential stock outs or to fine tune sales strategies in order to move slow turning stock.

To understanding the stock turn report you must appreciate how the ratio is calculated. The stock turn days and ratio ONLY APPLIES to the stock received and sold for the date range selected. It does not take into account existing stock on hand.

In this example item 300 for the period selected sold 3 units but 8 were received, on this basis it will take approximately 80 days to turn the received stock.

On the basis of this example re-ordering could wait for sometime.


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Other Stock Reports:

Name: Putaway Bins..

PurposeThis report List all items and associated default Put-away bins.

Filters: All locations or just a single location can be selected for review. Other filters include Item Number show all or as partial search, Supplier show all or as partial search and Bin Numbers as show all or as partial search.

Reporting on Stock by Expiry Date

From the reports menu choose Stock - Stock List.

There is an option to Group By Expiry Date.






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