Create Shortcut to ICXE Remote Workstations

Create Shortcut to ICXE Remote Workstations


For Server multi-user installations of ICXE All Users MUST login to ICXE using a RDP shortcut.

Detail Steps

Once the ICXE Remote Desktop Connection on the server is created, it is time to create a shortcut on each of the user workstations.

The following steps should be repeated on each workstation.

1. Open Windows Explorer.

2. Click in the Address Bar at the top of the window. Clear out the text currently there and type in “\\” and then the server’s local address that you wrote down in step 1.

For example type in: \\

3. Press Enter.

4. Locate the “Client Apps” folder and double click on it.

5. Locate the ICXE Remote.rdp file and right click on it. 

6. Click on “Copy” from the popup menu.

7. Minimise all windows to show the desktop.

8. Right Click on the desktop where there is no other icons.

9. Select “Paste Shortcut” from the popup menu.



Make sure you select “Paste Shortcut”. This is so that changes can be made once to the Remote Desktop Connection on the server and all the workstations will immediately be affected as they are just pointing at the server connection rather than executing their own separate copy.

10. Highlight the new icon by left clicking on it.

11. Press F2 on your keyboard to rename the Shortcut.

12. Rename the Shortcut so that it reads ICXE Remote. 

13. Double click the icon to test it.

14. Login as the user that will be using that station.

Related Information


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