User Privileges - Outline of different User Levels

User Privileges - Outline of different User Levels


This document describes the difference between the settings Administrator, Superuser, User or Disabled which are found in the User Management Settings as well as the additional areas accessed by the superuser login.

Additional areas accessed by a person with the Administrator setting.
(employees with the user setting cannot access the below actions)

Administrator privileges

Has access to all areas involving editing , reporting, creation and deleting.

Superuser privileges

The Superuser login has access to all areas available to the administrator as well as the actions below

  • Purge Data 
  • Data Migration
  • Edit System Wide Settings


Accounts set to Disabled

  • Are not permitted to login


User privileges

User privileges are user defined to the person role. The user login has access to all areas that privileges have been assigned to.

Related Information

Some of these access settings are also listed in the “set user privileges” menu, if a employee user level is change from user to administrator the privileges will need to be manually all selected before that administrator can gain access to all areas.

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