ICXE - User Management & Adding New Users


http://www.inventorycontroller.com To identify different operators you can create Users and assign passwords. Inventory Controller XE allows users to be rest...

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In order to track activity against individuals a User Account should be created.


To create a User press CTRL+5 or select menu Lists - New - User.

The username is the login name entered when ICXE is first launched and an optional password can be created enabling User Access Control to the inventory records. 

That completes the initial setup of all required information to start using Inventory Controller XE. To review your contacts list pressCTRL+F or select menu Tools - Find Contacts. To show all contacts simple press <ENTER> with an empty filter or type in part of the contact name to filter your search results. You can update Contact Details by highlighting the Card Name and choose Edit… from the command bar in the top left of the display. 

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