Activate Inventory Controller XE Licence

No or invalid license

Numbered Headings is used to adjust the content in this macro. You need a valid license to continue using the Numbered Headings macro and to display numbering of the following content.


When ICXE is first installed it opens in a restricted use mode and must be activated by Datapel Systems.

Detail Steps

Follow these steps to activate…

1. Login to the server as Datapel. Make sure that “Step 6 – Regional Settings” has been completed to ensure that the date format is correct

2. Open ICXE

3. Login as “superuser” with no password

4. You will receive the following screen if your product is unregistered

5. Press OK.

6. Click into the text box next to the Activation Key.

7. Have your client information that you wrote down in step 1 ready.

Email Registration Code to  and request an Activation Key.

8. Enter in the activation key you receive.

9. Press Register Now. 

Related Information


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