Setting the default currency

Setting the default currency


Inventory Controller XE version 2.1.84 or later introduces and supports multi-currency functionality with 12 Countries supported - it also includes an International Edition mode which defaults to $.

The selected currency will be displayed within item details and flow through to reports.

Current World Currencies include; International Dollar (INT), Australian Dollar (AUD), Candian Dollars (CAD), European Union Euros (EUR), Great Britain Pounds (GBP), Hong Kong Dollars (HKD), Indonesia Rupiah (IDR), Japanese Yen (JPY), Malaysian Ringit (MYR),  New Zealand Dollars (NZD), Papua New Guinea Kina (PGK), Philippine Peso (PHP), Singapore Dollar (SGD), and United States Dollar (USD). 


  1. Go to Tools → Preferences... or Ctrl + F9
  2. Select Company Tab
  3. Select Default Currency from list.
  4. Record Preferences

Note: Regional Settings need to match the selected Currency type.

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