Scanning Barcodes
The barcode scanner is used primarily to quickly identify and locate items and orders in Inventory Controller XE. Item labels can be scanned in the Item Register and automatically trigger the display of the Item Details.
A scanner can also be used for scanning the barcodes of items during many stages of the workflow. Primarily, barcode scanning is used when picking an order, packing an order, and shipping an order.
Sales Orders, Pick Lists, and Packing Lists can be scanned in the Despatch register to automatically select Order Details. During the Packing process Order numbers and Items can be scanned to verify the correct stock is processed with the Order.
Detail Steps
The barcodes supported by ICXE include:
- Codabar
- Code 11
- Code 39
- Code 39 Extended
- Code 93
- Code 128A
- Code 128B
- Code 128C
- Code 128 Auto
- EAN 8
- EAN 13
- EAN 128
- Interleaved 2of5
- Standard 2of5
- PostNet
- RoyalMail
Related Information
Putting scanner thru a USB hub is NOT recommended.
Datapel recommend the use of a Power Supply to be connected to the base station to assist with charging of the cordless scanner.
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