Zebra 3 Printer re-configuration
If Datapel Server no longer able to connect to the printer then you will need to re-configure your printer settings.
For example Windows 7 machine auto upgraded to Windows 10 - removing the printer share (Zebra Label printer was on the local machine).
Detail Steps
1.Primarily this was an IT configuration management issue. But the first step to troubleshoot this is to make changes to the ITEMLABELS.XML mapping file. For example, the printer name might be changed from \\10.xx.xx.xx\\Zebra3 to just Zebra3. You can see the printer name from the WMS/ICXE preferences (system) drop down.
2. Set the default printer on the server (under the user datapel) to be the Zebra3 printer - this is so any in-directed prints would channel through to that printer - this was more of a backup plan.
3.Change the printer properties to enable sharing of the printer - and made sure the share name is Zebra3.
4. In order to verify we could print to the Zebra3, please keep in mind not to rely on Windows test print. Open WMS and open an order in: Despatch > selected CartonLabel > double click preview , and then select the option to print to Zebra3. In this case, if the printing didn't work, the user had to reset the printer as it might be "stuck". Usually it was just a matter of line feed on off, once this cleared all be good again.
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