Invoicing Sales

Invoicing Sales


This document explains Invoicing Sales workflow.

Detail Steps

  1. Login to ICXE
  2. Follow the PICK, PACKING, and SHIPPING workflows.
  3. To close and finalise an ICXE Order select the action "Close Shipped Orders...” from the despatch register. 
    Alternatively you can right-click on the transaction and select Close Shipped Orders... or press Ctrl+O.
  4. Then the status of the transaction will be changed to CLOSED

Once an Order is CLOSED in the ICXE it can not be “re-shipped” or modified in the ICXE.

Once Orders have been CLOSED in the ICXE items and the Quantities on the clsoed Order/s have been flourished from the system. 
This is required for items stock movements to be displayed adquately in transaction item reports.

Related Information


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