End-Of-Month Stock Valuation Report
The following support note describes how to create a Month-End/Month-Start Valuation journal for Balance Sheet reporting of an Inventory Asset amount. This information is NOT accounting advice and Datapel Systems makes no guarantees as to accuracy or suitability of this procedure for every business.
Detail Steps
1. On the LAST DAY OF THE MONTH or last trading day of the month a Stock Valuation Report can be created from within ICXE and sent to EXCEL.
2. Within ICXE choose the Reports Menu, Stock, then select Valuation Report.
3. Choose a VALUATION Method.
If using Standard Cost is selected make sure ALL ITEMS have been setup with a standard cost figure.
4. Click on Generate Report.
5. The Valuation report can be open and reviewed in EXCEL.
Click on the EXPORT REPORT icon (Top Left) and select EXCEL Application as shown below.
Click OK and the report information will appear in EXCEL.
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