Report - Stock Count

Report - Stock Count


Stock Count Report shows the count of the stock available in Inventory Controller XE.

Detail Steps

In order to generate the Stock Count Report, go to Reports → Stock → Count….

  1. In the Stock List Report screen, select the location where you want to list the stock.
  2. Enter the item number or criteria.
  3. Select the report between being detailed or summary.
  4. Select the bin for the stock you are looking for.
  5. Group your list by Item NumberLocationQuantityBinExpiry Date, or Receive Date.
  6. Select the order you want to see in the stock list.
  7. Tick this check-box in order to show the product barcodes.
  8. Tick this check-box in order to hide zero quantity stock groups.
  9. Tick this to mask the OnHand quantities as XXX.
  10. To generate the report, click Generate Report.

Related Information


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