Report - Stock Turn
Report - Stock Turn
Stock Turn Report provides an estimate of how long (in days) it will take your inventory on hand to completely sell through given current selling rate.
Detail Steps
To understanding the stock turn report you must appreciate how the ratio is calculated. The stock turn days and ratio ONLY APPLIES to the stock received and sold for the date range selected. It does not take into account existing stock on hand.
In order to generate the Stock Turn report, go to Reports → Stock → Stock Turn….
- In the Stock Turn Report screen, select the location where you want to analyse the stock or show all locations.
- Select the item/s or show all items.
- Select a supplier or show all suppliers.
- Select the start and end dates for the report generation.
- Select the report between being detailed or summary.
- To generate the report, click Generate Report.
The report will be displayed as below.
Related Information
, multiple selections available,
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